Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Content, Conduct, Community Mangagement

CONTENT MANAGEMENT Content management “occurs when teachers manage space, materials, equipment, the movement of people, and lessons that are part of a curriculum or program of studies” (Boerema, 14). It is about teaching, being active, and authentic learning. I would organize my materials into cabinets with labels. I would keep all the paint in one cupboard, the glaze in another, and papers in a large cupboard. I would put all the art supplies that may be needed daily on the supply table that I will have available for students. They will be directed to the supply table to get what they need and they will be able to see what materials are there because they will be place on top of the table. These materials would be pencils, colored pencils, crayons, and markers. The students will sit at tables in groups. I will assign the seating charts for each class. I would store still life objects and books on a bookshelf. I will create a routine where the students will get to work on their projects right away and we will have a clean up portion of the hour as a closing routine. CONDUCT MANAGEMENT Conduct management “refers to the set of procedural skills that teachers employ in their attempt to address and resolve discipline problems in the classroom” (Boerema, 14). Conduct management is about behavior. Class Rules: Music--the art classroom is a place where I want students to be engaged in their work and in their peers. When a student has headphones in, they are distancing themselves from the group. I will enforce this rule because I want my students to interact with each other. Safety--the art classroom is a wonderful place to break from common core and note taking and to engage in problem-solving and creating. The materials in the classroom are not meant to be thrown nor is the art classroom a place to run around. This rule is to keep both the students and the teacher safe. Respect-this is for the students and the teacher. When the teacher respects his/her students they will respond in a similar way. When students respect their teacher they listen and follow directions and guidelines. When a teacher respects his/her students he/she listens and adjusts directions for the needs of the students. When students and teachers respect one another there is little need for discipline. Fun, creativity and effort--art is a wonderful class to be expressive and imaginative; it is a place to release from the uniformity of classes and the highly rule-governed tasks and standardized expectations. The students are expected to put in their best effort in the creative process. Art is about the process as well as the final product. A student who puts effort into making their work will do well in the art classroom. I will want to lay out the rules of the classroom the first day and throughout the year. I will want make my expectations clear. I would also want my students to help each other, respect, and value one another. I would implement Assertive Discipline by letting students know the set of escalating consequences or punishments for undesirable behavior. I would also differ my discipline based on what is affective for each individual student. I would also want to use effective instructional techniques so that students will be engaged and will have less opportunity to misbehave. I will constantly be walking around and working one on one with the students so that I can be “with it” by monitoring (Oakes and Lipton, 262). I will “define and enforce rules for student behavior that allow them to teach” (Oakes and Lipton, 253). I will encourage good behavior and I will talk one-on-one with a student who displays negative behavior. I promise to allow and encourage students to make choices in their work by designing different ways to meet the learning objective. I will provide time for independent and extended projects. I promise to hold students accountable for the consequences of their choices. I promise to provide reasons for rules by explaining, and respecting rules and constraints in the way that I behave. I promise to use authentic tasks that are connected to real-life problems and situations that students will face outside the classroom. The teacher will provide learning goals, and clear directions for activities; the teacher will provide a good learning environment and have organized materials. The teacher will be aware of the classroom and manage accordingly. The students will obey the rules and accept the consequences; the student will be an encourager, an active participate in the classroom, and be a positive influence on others. Some specific procedures or actions I would take are appropriate use of encouragement, group and individual skills, a range of consequences. I will promote respect for others and their belongings, encouragement and community. I will promote community by having no headphones in the classroom but also group or partner projects. I will pay attention to individuals skills of each student. The range of consequences will vary by offense and the rewards will vary by what action was done. COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT Community management “focuses on the classroom group as a social system having its own features that teachers take into account when managing interpersonal relationships in the classroom” (Boerema, 14). One way of giving of respect and valuing those we encounter is by showing both respect and value to my students. I hope to make a positive impact on their lives. I believe that passionate teachers make a difference in students lives; as well as make the subjects they teach more interesting. Humans are created to be curious, to wonder and to want to learn. We are curious and creative beings and learning should be discussed, shared and enjoyed. Learning helps you to see the world in a new way, and asks you to pay attention. A positive learning environment grows from the teacher showing respect to the students and vice versa. The classroom should be a safe environment where all students can learn and feel comfortable. It should be a place where students can express themselves and be free to learn in many different ways. There should be a trusting relationship between student and teacher in and outside the classroom. When students are interested in the lessons and each student is challenged in their learning they will most likely not need to be disciplined. I would like them to be interested in what they are learning. Likewise, I need to be passionate about what I teach. I need to be passionate about what I teach, because then I can create new and interesting ways to teach and to learn. I believe that if a good learning environment is available with the materials needed, the students are engaged and the teacher is passionate, a classroom can be transformed into a learning community. I also believe that the teaching content should be personalized to each student. I would help the students put the course material in their personal contexts. I would also change the format of the classroom to allow for team-based learning and face-to-face interactions. I will attend outside of school programs (ex: plays, sporting events) to show students my investment in the school and in them, so that we can build respect and an appropriate relationship.

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